Grapes of Wrath

An online exhibit by English 690 (Spring 2017) at San Francisco State University

Browse Items (15 total)

Orchestra During intermission.jpg
Intermission during square dance; note the sweated shirt of the host.

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Saturday night dance. FSA Tulare Migrant Camp. Visalia, California.

Todd, Charles L., 1911-2004 (Collector)
Sonkin, Robert, 1910-1980 (Collector)
Stone, Gussie Ward (Performer)

The Road.tif
Variants of this song have been sung for seventy years
on westering high roads in America. Since 1933 it has
became the song of the migrant families who were tractered out of Texas, dusted out of Oklahoma and flooded out of Arkansas.

Walter Harp, square dance calling; Charles Cook, fiddle; Charles Powell, guitar; Bennie Lindsay, guitar; and Junior Lindsay, harmonica.

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Will Neal age 63 - Arvin. Playing since 14 yrs (handwritten on reverse) b) Will Neal...champion fiddler in Arvin Camp. Won many fiddlin' contests. 1940. (typed and attached)

Grapes of Wrath Movie Pic.png
From movie "Grapes of Wrath" King Family (L-R)f Mr. King, Syd Thompson (friend), Charles, Harlen & Billy (handwritten on reverse)

An article showcasing some songs and histories written and sung during the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl by migrants.

""I'm Going Down this Road Feeling Bad," is a traditional song that may date from an earlier period, but that expresses…

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